My Need to Garden Vegetables

I am an avid gardener, always have been. Specifically, vegetables. Most everywhere I’ve lived, I’ve been able to install a vegetable garden. From Alamosa, Colorado, to various homes around British Columbia, to Mississauga, Ontario, I’ve found a way. Rented or owned, houses, townhouses, fourplexes, apartments, and condos, I’ve managed to find somewhere to grow vegetables.

Gardeners Seeking Vegetable Garden Space

Many others want to do the same. Whether for a love of gardening or simply trying to beat inflation, there’s a real hunger out there for gardening space. But where? In crowded cities with forests of multi-unit residential buildings, finding available space to garden can be a challenge. Container gardening on balconies? It’s a start. Community gardens? Great idea, but they’re in short supply. Rooftop gardens? They are few and far between.
My recent move to a condo building in Mississauga, Ontario brought a new search. I lucked out with our building’s rooftop garden plots, but I want more for all the veggies I hope to grow.

Rooftop Vegetable Garden
It is a small space, but does fit my compulsive need to plant and grow my own.

There’s Lots of Space for Vegetable Gardens

Riding my bicycle around local neighborhoods, I admire the backyard vegetable gardens that I see. I stop and talk if the gardener is outside. At the same time, I see so many “grass deserts,” that, to my mind, cry out to be transformed into productive vegetable gardens. I’ve read about the “Lawn to Garden” movement, but I haven’t had the nerve to knock on someone’s door to ask if they’d share their backyard with me.

Gardener Seeking Vegetable Garden

My Gardens Grow Food blog is my story of meeting my own challenge of finding garden space, but it is also for others. While I’ve done well enough for myself, I want more, and know that others need more. This is an extension of my current efforts to connect those looking for garden space with those who have it. Is there an app for that? Haven’t find one. As the idea slowly developed, I’ve taken on the challenge to create an app to do just that. So, instead of “Man Seeking Woman,” I am developing the “Garden Grows Food” app.

Connecting people wanting to grow food in a home setting with homeowners who will let them garden in their yard for a share of the produce.

Stay tuned.